Carol Shure


Introduction to Systemic Family Constellation

Systemic Family Constellation Work is a therapeutic process based on the understanding that, just as we inherit our physical traits, we also inherit emotional patterns that are unconscious and unspoken. Resolving and releasing these systemic entanglements allows us to reestablish balance and take our place in the family system. Ancestral suffering can emerge and may manifest in your life as pain, illness, addictions, personal & relational difficulties.

This 3-dimensional group process has the power to shift generations of suffering.

We enter into connection with our ancestors through sacred fields and the entire group undergoes a deeply healing and moving experience.

Join us in a Community Ritual that transcends language and enables us to communicate with the unseen world. Family Constellation is an interaction with spirit for the purpose of removing from the psyche physical or emotional issues that have been troublesome to us.

Healing always involves reuniting a disconnected part with the greater whole.

“Family Constellation is neither a craft nor a method. It is a way, a transition to another plane, a different level of consciousness. There all your questions find their path and their answers.” – Bert Hellinger

Family Constellation Workshop

In a workshop we all start seated in a circle. The Constellation begins with a working participant bringing an issue or inquiry of his or her own. They will be the focus client and the other group members can be chosen to stand in to represent yet to be determined parts of the constellation. The client then intuitively positions the supporters in the working area and then returns to their seat to watch.

Information, feelings, thoughts, and movements will arise from the field as Representatives respond to both their inner experience and to the guidance of the facilitator. It is not role-playing or acting.

The Constellation experience shifts trans-generational, emotional, mental, physical and relational patterns and is realized among all the participants, regardless of participation level.

I often hear from people that they receive profound realizations and healing standing in as a representative for someone else. The Constellations come to a natural close in an hr or two.
We break often during the day to good take care of ourselves. We feast from the array of organic soup, goodies, and tea and stay hydrated.

The only person in your family that needs to be present is yourself. You don’t need to know about your ancestral lineage to work with them consciously and intentionally.
It is possible to reestablish a more conscious relationship with our ancestry, heal the wounds of the past and directly influence future generations to live healthier, happier and more fulfilled lives.